Haunted Journeys

Your Zodiac Passage Towards A Wondrous 2021
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Look above. It’s all there! The planets, the eclipses, the moon, the sun, and all their movements will tell your story for the next 12 months. Read my words carefully and prepare to navigate through your horoscope's passage towards a wondrous 2021.

The Psychic Projections of 2021

As we keep truckin’ along toward a new year full of hope, excitement, and a planet of uncertainty, we must ask ourselves... are we what we think we are?  Could this year actually be better than 2020? Will we be able to click our heels three times and say, “Beam me up, Scotty”?

This will certainly be a year of collective consciousness. If you are already working in this realm, be content. You are WAY ahead of the game.

The first quarter of the year is going to be like a pendulum swinging back and forth. You will think you are supposed to go one way and then SLAM, someone changes the game rules. Confusion and mixed messages will manifest!

We have to focus on taking deep inhalations and just breathing through it all. This is why it is important to listen to your inner voice and trust your gut feeling first.

The Zodiac Realms and Prophecies

As the earth turns into 2021, I have scraped to the bottom of the can to find these positive manifestation tools for zodiac signs to work with. At the end of each horoscope, you will find an "Annual Tip" to help set your mind right. We need these tips because the worst isn’t over. They are beacons of light shining on some of us as we venture on into the unknown year of self-repairs.

Be prepared! The first quarter sting and shock of 2021 will be loud, but there are ways you can attract positive to your soul to deflect the negative.

Take me straight to my Zodiac Prediction!
Aries       Taurus       Gemini
Cancer       Leo       Virgo
Libra       Scorpio       Sagittarius
Capricorn       Aquarius       Pisces

The Planets

Let’s first look at the planets in 2021. They are still shaking their heads in disappointment about how self-serving some human beings can behave. Don’t be so quick to believe what you hear. Examine what you see! Stop being led by others, for this is the 2021 tone.

Be brave and original. Stop seeking for approval of others and find your inner Chi! It’s okay to be all of you! No more hiding from what you think others won't accept about you.

Contributing to the planets are solar and lunar energies, retrogrades, and eclipses. Saturn and Jupiter will remain at a slow pace as they move across our solar system. They are simply worn out from their big show in November and December 2020. They basically said, “Screw it, I’m calling off and binging HULU!”

Jupiter and Saturn will still be in conjunction. Jupiter will remain in Capricorn and Saturn will flip flop around more than Peter Rabbit! Mars will turn away from the crazy residual energy of 2020, as well as the up and coming twists and turns of 2021.

Finally, Mars says “No, no thank you, damn it, no thank you” so he remains in complete solitude! A lot of us will follow the suit of Mars and fight for human rights!

The Energies of the Eclipses!

Be on the lookout in 2021 for FOUR eclipses! Keep in mind the science behind a solar eclipse means the moon is blocking out the sun. In the lunar eclipse the sun is blocking out the moon. Not a big deal, right? WRONG!

The eclipse will occur on these dates

May 26, 2021:   Luna in Sagittarius

June 10, 2021:   Solar in Gemini

November 19, 2021:   Luna in Taurus

December 4, 2021:   Solar in Sagittarius

Tip:   If you are trying to manifest a need, NOT a want, then you better set an alarm in your phone to call off and chill out these days! You should never try to manifest anything during an eclipse!

Another Tip:   If you have a birthday that falls on an eclipse, you better send the email now that you need that day as a personal day! You will be lethargic, headaches, and feel a queasy feeling in your stomach.

Mercury in Retrograde

Dates when Mercury is in retrograde:

January 30 - February 21, 2021:   In Aquarius

May 29 - June 22, 2021:   In Gemini

September 27 - October 23, 2021:   In Libra

Tip:   Find a deer skull and bling it out with crystals during Mercury Retrograde- offering the crystals to Mercury. This is the only way to avoid chaos! 

Mark these dates

March 26, 2021  

Venus star point and Aries connect. This will steam intimacy with partners and new folks will approach your vibe! This is a true refresh/restart button for lovers. Since you have a heads up, you better be like Nike and “Just do it!”

As for people who have lost their partners due to a transition to spirit, this is also the time when the “love veil” opens. They will visit you in your dreams or in your actual home. Don’t be scared, embrace it because it will only last a short time. They will have to go back to the spirit realm to level up with their afterlife lessons.  

July 13, 2021

All of us have the opportunity to open the door, embrace movement towards passion, and what we love most in life! Imagine if all of us set our alarms for sunrise on this day! Imagine if all of us take a minute to project our best intentions for not only ourselves but also the world. This would shake the planet with tremendous vibration! Maybe, just maybe, the earth will hum to the rhythm of a really cool Jimi Hendrix song!

Nowadays, it doesn’t hurt to make wishes or encourage people to become their best selves. Consider promoting positive mental health and happiness. Think about this. If all of us truly could make the earth’s axis revert back to the degree educators are still teaching in high school with a collective consciousness, we could create a real “miracle.” We know the 2010 earthquake shook Chile knocking the figure axis off balance by 8 centimeters, it shook for three minutes with a magnitude of 8.8!

What if, and it’s a BIG if, we had the power of thought projection to heal our environment? What if we stopped living in a material world and cared about our future generations?  What if we were selfless instead of taking selfies? What if we worried more about growing spiritually over flexin’ fashion?

May 13, July 28, and December 28, 2021

Jupiter represents money and when it moved into Pisces on May 13th to July 28th we should see a universal incline of money. Sure enough, Jupiter hops, skips, and jumps over to Aquarius to help out with economic finances, and then on December 28th, it makes a roundabout to holiday back with Pisces.  

Venus goes retrograde in Capricorn

This year, by Dec 19th, we will have had all year long to set up a solid foundation in the energy of Venus. We should see female leaders rise and speak louder than ever before, the public will need and want validation from government officials as well as close friends and family. Get ready! This is the time to take advantage of financial opportunities and invest!

Your Horoscope. Your 2021.

Are you ready for your shot in the arm of YOUR year? Okay....and off we go!


Aries 2021 Projections

You will be challenged with many obstacles this year. Please don’t give up fighting the good fight! You will be letting go of old friendships that no longer serve you and opening up a room inside of your heart for new allegiances. There will be times when you want to chill alone, so please find solace in complete solitude. Accept this as a blessing! Don’t be hard on yourself when you need these moments to recharge! 

This year is the year about your recharging! March 26 is the best day of the year for your love life and your financial stability. Also, take the chance for the big promotion, and feeling content with peace of home. Remember this year is full of repeating things over and over again. “If at first, you do not succeed, try, and try again!” Even though the “try and try again” may be annoying for most of the year, it goes hand in hand with the cheeky cool trap song by ItsmeYDD “I Try.”

Annual Tip:   At Sunrise set your best intentions for yourself. Believe it will happen! Will it to you by seeing it in your mind’s eye and then before you know it…. POOF! Manifesto! Your Power Days are February 17, June 14, and December 24, 2021


Taurus 2021 Projections

You are so stubborn! Listen Taurus, if you keep closing yourself off to new opportunities with people, networking, friendships, as well as residential relocations, the universe will take away what they see is unnecessary in your life! Let loose of the control. Trust the process and be humble as the months go by.

You are set for amazing advancements in your career and stable finances starting in February! As for love, this is your year to refresh and restart with a new or an old lover. You already learned who is toxic and who isn’t, so you are way ahead in the game of love! In June you will be ready to come out of your shell and become quite the social butterfly!

Annual Tip:   Place a broom upright in your workspace and on new moons throw some money in the broom to continue your flow of financial abundance.  


Gemini 2021 Projections

Remember how last year you were pegged in the corner and went unnoticed? Well, that energy is finally flushed down the toilet! You will be recognized this year! You will be in the spotlight among your peeps and now is your time to build a larger audience to showcase your creations or passions! You gain confidence and everything you need becomes crystal clear! Just watch out for the second part of Mercury Retrograde (May 29-June 22) because you don’t want to be confused in making new steps! You will kick the four walls until you can’t crawl in 2021!

Annual Tip:   As silly as it sounds sing in the shower! You will need lots of water this year to balance and keep yourself hydrated while you run toward your brand-spankin' new life! You got this!  


Cancer 2021 Projections

Can you say, “I totally have this new promotion in the bag and I accept the new money that comes with it!” This year is all about your professional life and learning how to balance it with your personal one. Don’t forget about the people who love you and want to be with you! You will wear many hats. You will be a counselor, partner, professional, family relative, and friend. Try not to bite off more than you can chew, but keep your eyes set on July 13 because this is when you can finally take some time for rest and relaxation!

Annual Tip:   You can’t be there for others if you are not rested. Take at least one day a week and shut your eyes to rest for at least an hour hours! Carry citrine with you to pump up your energy when you need it. Lots of OJ and water too!  


Leo 2021 Projections

All Leo’s will have cupid shooting arrows towards their butts! YOU have zero choices to beat this. You are going to accept being in love and finally settle down! You will continue to be strong and stand proud. What is changing is your level of vulnerability. It will open like a flood gate and overtake you into the deepest levels of love you have felt in decades. Just say yes and thank the universe for putting you in the right place and at the right time. Don’t be scared.  There will be an actual person there to hold your hand! 

Annual Tip:   Be kind and gentle with your words when you open up. Speak freely without fear to someone you love. Stop fearing the unknown! Keep an amethyst crystal under your mattress and burn sandalwood incense on Sundays. This will keep your mind in tune with who you are about to become!  


Virgo 2021 Projections

Last year everything came into the light and you were blinded by the truth. You took some serious risks, be proud of yourself and what you did. I wish I could say life is going to slow down for you, but not so. Your long days are still seeping into 2021 because you are too proud to ask for help! You have a second opportunity to relocate. If you choose not to move this year, you will remain where you live for another two years.

Your stress level is the size of a planet. You become a loner, and this can be dangerous. People love your company and you truly are a social being who needs to feed off of the excitement of a large concert crowd energy! You have a new career change coming. You need to take it to break up the same old thing different day lifestyle. You truly can rule your world, with the help of others! Allow yourself to be open to true love- a love that you wished for before your heart became a heart of stone.

Annual Tip:   Blast the music on the way to work. Pick up an instrument. Make the few people who are failing responsible obligations to you and your family become accountable by living your best life without them. Wear iron nails wrapped in a red cloth to repel other people’s bad energy! Remember, on Saturdays you can call in the planet Saturn to sever ties with lowlifes!  


Libra 2021 Projections

Dear Libra, you are the most beautiful and creative zodiac. Your balance and bohemian attitude set the stage for peace and brilliance! In the first quarter of the year, you will still be in the mode of helping others. You will continue to sacrifice a restful day to yourself because you will want to help someone in need. When summer hits you become a hot #1 hit! At this point you know it’s time to reel your energy back in, not just for yourself, but to do what you want to do. Many will recognize that you are a superstar and follow you where ever you go!

Even though you are the drummer of the band, keeping everyone in beat, you will want to take a holiday far away into the woods. Find peace in a cabin among strong leaders. Venus will force you to rip the bandage off your heart when it comes to romantic love. During the third Mercury Retrograde don’t brush off what you need to deal with. If you do, you will repeat some old steps and fall behind. Instead of falling behind, take charge of the personal change of your self-care components. If not, you will suffer and end up haunted by the past, just like Scrooge!

Annual Tip:   You always want the scale balanced, and that leaves you with the inability to make rapid fast decisions. Wear a cryophase pendant or piece of jewelry to help you make decisions! Lastly, check-in with your parents or motherly figure, please. You need the feminine energy to uplift you in times of nurturing.  


Scorpio 2021 Projections

This year you will need to spend more time with family and friends! You will have to balance work and social activities a lot this year. You will want to toss responsibility out the window and sit back and chill all year. But remember you deserve this type of socialization after the year you just had!  At the beginning of February, you will effortlessly merge into an upswing of financial stability. You will love the feeling as you climb the ladder in your career component. As you near the end of November you will have a door swing open, so buckle your love life down! Accept a new love or a love from the past. You can ignite the extra spring in your step and whistle a new song of love.

Annual Tip:   Even though you are a water element sign, it is the best advice to be around the fire as much as you can this year. You'll find postivies in fires like flames of candles, actual outdoor campfires, or just be one with the sun.  


Sagittarius 2021 Projections

This year is all about spirituality for you and you will have a ride or die partner with you the entire year. You will be at a crossroads around Saint Patrick’s Day. This will throw you off-kilter. You will feel like a Ramones song “Should I Stay or Should I Go?’ If you go there will be trouble. You worked hard last year to decide what fits into your life and what doesn’t. Don’t be tempted by the dangling carrot in March because it will throw you off balance for the rest of the year. Politely say “No thank you, I’m good where I stand.”

Career and finances speed up when we get to June and there will be a whole new year starting in July. You will ride the new wave of spirituality, meeting new people who are just as spiritual as you. This July ride will take you to the end of the year! This is your year to get your mind right and become the best you can be! You are the luckiest of all this year!

Annual Tip:   Use chamomile or lavender pillow spray to help you sleep at night! The racing thoughts inside your mind will take flight!   


Capricorn 2021 Projections

Dear Capricorn, this is your year to come clean and own up to accountability. You spent way too much money last year on stupid things. Now you have to be responsible and catch up. You have a lack of confidence still seeping into the first quarter of this year. In Spring you will have a confidence boost start and feel like a million bucks! This is also the time where you have to make amends with friends that you’ve hurt because you have been a very selfish Capricorn.

Your level of spirituality will increase by October. Here you find yourself in full balance with music and song. You will finally realize it's okay to play the music while others dance. You receive recognition from the universe for all of the work that you will put into this year and the last two months of 2021. This is when you can just ride by doing what you want to do.  And that’s when you finally learned that life’s blessing is that it is a BIG blessing to do what you want to do. 

Annual Tip:   Stop the constantly spending money. Find a coin necklace or ring and wear it to remind yourself that you don’t need things. You just want them!. There's a difference!  


 Aquarius 2021 Projections

This year is all about laughter for you, as you reunite with friends and make new ones. Your constant smile will make your face hurt at times, but it’s well worth it! You have much adventure and travel ahead of you once the calendar pages flip to June. No worries, it will be here sooner than you think. You’ll be spending time with family and you will be making new family members whether they be people or furry four-legged family members.

As July rolls in you’ll be able to take advantage of a promotion or a raise which brings in extra money. The cosmos will encourage you to save that extra money. Take care of responsibilities so you don’t have it hovering over your head when you go into next year. Your financial anxiety is very large but you keep a support system of people who help you overcome all obstacles. Your love life will shift in October. It will either end or refresh and restart. You will have to cross that bridge once you get there.

Annual Tip:   Burn a green candle on Sunday’s at sunrise to keep your finances flowing into your home! Just not on an eclipse!   


Pisces 2021 Projections

Self-reflection seeps in this year. February you will be standing in a house of mirrors and forced to choose what serves you and what you need to let go. Your fear of letting go will not be as large as it has been historically. Your transformation will be extremely positive and it is just within arm’s length of each of your hands. You must brave the obstacles that are thrown at you in January and February. You will overcome them by March and April.

By May you will be living your best life so there’s no reason to hold on to those feelings of discontentment. Your finances will stay at a medium speed most of the year. There will be peaks of positive financial flow, but your biggest blessing this year is understanding that your home is your castle. You will learn that your loved ones who are in your life are worth gold. Love will come to you in the strangest form, so accept it. Trust your spiritual process.

Annual Tip:   Replace junky food with healthy food. This is a must this year. Set an alarm in your phone for Oct 4, 2021. On this day be on the lookout because there is a new opportunity coming for you!


About the Author, Kristin Lee

 Kristin Lee

As the owner of the famous Bellaire House in Ohio, Kristin Lee is a profound psychic medium. Her advisory style embraces many multi-culturally diverse, helping people with various life obstacles. As a metaphysician, she helps families when it comes to balancing and overcoming their traumatic paranormal experiences. 

Kristin is a master level mental health professional who works with families and their children to help them overcome paranormal issues.  Her work encompasses how social psychology and behavioral science correlates to the supernatural or paranormal investigators, psychic mediums, empaths, and families who are suffering from paranormal activity. She also studies and applies a higher intellectual source of communication, a multi-dimensional source of communication, how metaphysics coincides with physics, and the physiological effect of the human body while one investigates the unknown. 

Kristin Lee is also an accomplished paranormal investigator, aligning herself with the most respected influencers in the industry. With this, she dedicates her afterlife studies to data collection principally with her property, the supernaturally intensified Bellaire House.  Her research skills are applied organically and scholastically while infusing a metaphysical component, lifting it to a holistically professional level.

With all of this, Kristin Lee is a published author of two books titled “1699 Belmont Street” & “Paranormal Confessions" with a third one coming soon! Kristin Lee has appeared on the Bio Channel, A&E, Destination America, Travel Channel, and Lifetime Television on behalf of the haunted Bellaire House.

Website       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.      Get a Reading with Kristin


The Bellaire House!

Read about the incredibleness of the Bellaire House (Bellaire, Ohio)


Meet Kristin and the Bellaire House!

Here’s a cool event that you can engage with Kristin and her incredible property, The Bellaire House! 

"Paranormal Confessions" will be held during a five-day non-stop time span between January 11-16, 2021. This unique product was created and produced by Kristin Lee, broadcasted via Spirit Realm Network's live-stream platform. It will feature profound experimental Paranormal Investigations using the talent of stellar investigators such as Dave Spinks, Jim Martin, Eric Conner, Sean Austin, Mike Simpson, and, of course, Kristin Lee!




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