Patti Negri teaches us how to turn Old World Magick into Practical Magick in our modern world, for love!
An excerpt from Old World Magick for the Modern World: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques to Balance, Empower, and Create a Life You Love, authored by Psychic Medium Patti Negri (March 2019).
What is Practical Magick?
Practical Magick is simple techniques, spells, and thought patterns that everyone can do to improve their day! You don't have to be a witch or psychic!
Everything is a combination of Mind, Body, and Spirit to create the shift, open the door, enhance the opportunity. Practical Magick will provide you with a new perception to move forward you want with a bit more grace, ease, and enjoyment as you manifest the life you want!
Who has the power? YOU do! (If not, who or what have you given it away to?) I will teach you how to be the master of the universe; the architect of your own life.
We have selected a chapter about Love Magick. Here Patti will teach you how to be a master of your universe; the architect of your own love life!
It's all about Love ... Love Magick
Whether you are looking for love or wanting to bring a little fire back into the love you have, here are a few of my fun, simple "magick" tips on how to bring more love into your life.
Love is love, romance starts with you! Date nights, romantic dinners, fresh flowers, sexy bubble baths, candles ... you've got to get comfy with it! Even if you are by yourself, bring romance into your life, and soon a partner will follow. Make sure there is room in your heart and in your home for love! Is there room in your closets and drawers for someone else? Is your bedroom "ready" to bring someone home to, just in case?
These simple things can help bring that love to you -- and it certainly lets the universe know you are now ready for love. If you are already in a relationship, the theory is the same: Be the love you want to have, and your partner will follow. Surprise your lover every once in a while with the unexpected, something you would like him or her to do for you, something he or she will certainly appreciate as well. It just takes one person to start a lovefest!
Love in the Kitchen
- Never cut parsley; it is bad for love (tear it instead)
- Eating together is bonding
- Stir clockwise and add "love" with every turn.
- Stir counterclockwise to remove any anger or bad feelings.
- Put love and intention in everything you make.
- Apples really are a love fruit. (Slice of apple pie, anyone?)
- Tomatoes are good for prosperity, protection, and love.
- Anything red is primal and adds passions.
- Basil causes sympathy. Add a little basil to your food after a fight.
- Roses, lavender and cinnamon all enhance and bring love.
Friday is the day of Venus, the Goddess of Love
Add some extra "oomph" to any love spell or potion's potency by doing it on a Friday. A little planning ahead can bring you extra luck in love. Just remember to NEVER do a love spell on a specific person!
Catnip Attraction Spell
This is extremely easy to do and can quickly attract a new love interest in your life. Soak catnip in cinnamon water overnight. (Use purified water, and sprinkle cinnamon into it.) Strain the liquid and sprinkle it on your doorstep every evening for twenty-one days in the shape of a new crescent moon.
Love Potion Tea
Combine a pinch of rosemary, three mint leaves, and six rose petals. Boil three cups of water, then steep the combined dry ingredients. Once steeped, add nine drops of vanilla extract. Sip t bring in love!
Remember to visualize that love as you drink it! Brew on a Friday for extra "oomph."
The Magic of Patti Negri
How To Cast A Money Spell (White Magic)
Join Patti Negri on an incredible journey to Ireland ...
Patti Negri will lead a "Secret Ireland Tour" to Ireland where the tour will include in the most mystical and magical spots in Ireland. The itinerary follows some of the ports of call found in the Game of Thrones.
More Info.
Old World Magick for the Modern World: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques to Balance, Empower, and Create a Life You Love
Such a wonderful book, full of magick in a modern world, brought to you by internationally famed psychic medium Patti Negri, the Good Witch. What a treat
Take a peek!
About Patti Negri
World-renowned Psychic-Medium and "Good Witch" is best known for her recurring role on the Travel Channel's #1 show Ghost Adventures. Patti has been able to communicate with the spirit world since she was a toddler and consciously since she conducted her first séance at age eight. Since then she has conducted séances on radio, film, TV, and in living rooms across America.